
Event Technology Trends 2015

With a new year, comes a new host of event trends for the industry.  Let’s take a look at what they are:

Mobile, Mobile, and More Mobile 

Mobile is becoming more and more prominent in the industry and in the last year we saw it used for everything from information management, registration, attendee communication, and engagement. The mobile juggernaut shows no signs of slowing in 2015!

Technology Must Integrate 

Single-source data platforms are all the rage this year. Events with projectors, screens, and apps are so old hat. Attendees and organizers alike expect all their information to be transmitted and centered around one main piece of central software.

Single sign-on and single-source data management and reporting for the true event and cross-event intelligence is very much in vogue.

The desire for a focus on the aesthetic quality of technology is also strong. No longer will attendees and guests tolerate ugly, ill-designed online invitations or information pages. They crave well-designed, brand-consistent informative websites, that complement the overall tone of the event.

Over at Thorn’s technical services they supply, draping systems, audio-visual equipment, and sound systems, to events UK-wide.

The Increased Use of Social Media 

Events big and small are integrating social media into their overall marketing campaigns, with increased frequency. Whether this is through promotion, or as a means of detailing the event itinerary, social media is now at the forefront of event planning. The immediacy and concise communications are the key ingredients of a successful social channel, this assists both attendees and organizers alike. For more updates on all things events on social media, give @ThornsGroup a follow.


There is a growing trend towards personal and social integration at events. Personal experiences are at the forefront of modern events, whose planners look to truly maximize their engagement levels. At events where the emphasis is on personalization, attendees are provided with a very social setting in which to enjoy the event, with maximum personal touches, tailored to meet their tastes.

The use of social tech tools such as digital displays, graffiti walls, photo booths, and other innovative tech tools are also being used to allow individuals to stand out and have personal experiences in a very social setting.

2015, looks set to be another exciting year for the industry. Make sure you add some contemporary sparkle to your event.

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