There are several different kinds of car repair services available. Understanding the differences can really help you to find the right one for you. Doing so can help you to save money and can result in your getting your car back faster.
Some garages can make mechanical repairs, but may not be able to repair bodywork themselves. In this case, they may send your car to a third party for repair. Unfortunately, this can work out expensive because both garages want to make a profit out of the bodywork repairs.
Finding the Right Car Repair Service for You If your car has been involved in an accident the decision about where to get it repaired may be taken out of your hands. Most insurance companies require you to have the repair carried out by a garage on their list.
However, if you do get a choice about where to have your car repaired it makes sense to shop around for the best deal. The best way to do this is to get several quotes and compare them. This is fine if your car is derivable. If not it is not trying to use a garage that is recommended by either a trade body or someone who has recently had a car repair carried out.