Conversion Rates

6 Easy To Apply Website Features To Double Your Conversion Rates Quickly

Getting your own e-commerce store has become an indispensable part of all types of businesses. No matter what type of products or services you offer, if you are in the selling business, you need to have an online shop. Most probably you already have an online store,  and it has large traffic. But you didn’t get an online store just to gather traffic, did you? Your huge traffic will prove useful to you only when you can convert it into sales. So cutting it short, you need improved conversion rates to keep your business moving.

Here are a few website features which can raise your online store’s conversion rate quickly.

Show that their Security is Your Priority

Online shopping is easy, convenient, and fun. Hence, the number of people shopping online has gone up and so has the ratio of online frauds and threats risen. It is only right that people think twice before spending their hard-earned money on your store.  To let your customers know that you are a reliable and trustworthy brand to shop with, you have to make their security your priority. Get an SSL integration certificate for your website so that people can see that you are a dependable place to shop from. Update your site with an official privacy policy. This sends out the message to your customers that you are a credible brand and they will be more willing to make purchases from your e-commerce website.

Build your Brand’s Credibility

Let me get this straight, people won’t buy from you if they don’t trust you. It is human nature to proceed in new territories with caution. To increase your sales, and conversion rates you have to give your users substantial reasons to trust you. Your users aren’t stupid. They won’t go relying on every new shop that appears on the internet. So, how to build your website’s credibility? I will tell you how. Introduce your human side to them. Have your own profile on your website. Share your stories with them. Put your employees’ list up there. We, humans, trust human presence.  Also, offer multiple forms of contact details on your site. It has to include email addresses, phone numbers, and even geographical address to reach you in times of need. This will help in establishing the fact that you are an easy-to-locate and trustworthy brand, and they will love shopping for you.

Collect Social Proof and Flaunt it.

Never underestimate the power of social proof.  People have immense faith in things that are used by others.  Familiarity, no matter how distant, induces trust. So how do you collect social proof? By getting reviews. Collect online reviews and link them with your product descriptions so that people can clearly see what other people are telling about your products. Employ social listening and encourage people to talk about you. Be it Twitter, Instagram or Twitter, if people are talking about you, cherish them. They are gonna increase your conversion rate.

Give Offers and Special Deals to Keep your Buzz

Do you want to make so many sales quickly? Of course, you do! So start out by giving special offers and discounts to your users. You can go creative with your deals. Give flat percent offs or combo deals. Or what about a special seasonal sale? Or a grand festive shopping spree option? You can also design reward systems to encourage more sales. And remember the top mantra of online shopping- They want their shipping for free. And don’t you think sales and special deals make brilliant hashtags?

Give them a Site they will want to see over and over again

If you haven’t figured it out already, let me break this to you now. The Internet is all about how it looks. People get hooked to things which are pleasing to the eyes. Needless to say, your website has to be breathtakingly beautiful. People on the internet don’t have time to wait for more than 0. 8 seconds. Don’t dare to make it complicated. A user-friendly site will generate more sales than one built with rocket scientists in mind. See that your site loads well before that time. Give them speed, they will give you more sales.

Go Creative and Spice up your Website’s Content

When it comes to content, people generally start thinking in terms of SEO optimization. That’s cool. We all want to rank high on search engines. But first content has to be written with humans in mind. High-Quality Pictures will make your users want to read your product descriptions. Beautifully crafted product descriptions will want them to buy it! Add in a video of how your products can be used-and congratulations! The product has been added to their cart! So be creative, appeal to their inner child you want to buy everything because it’s beautiful & new and increase sales!

Author’s Bio

Pallavi D. Patel is a passionate blogger and an avid reader. She is a customer experience enthusiast and is fascinated by people skills and the role of excellent communication in the growth of e-commerce. She blogs about it at Bazarbit. Bazarbit is an e-commerce website builder which helps you get the online store of your dreams. Sell your products to the world with Bazarbit.

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